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You have upgraded your cluster from ONTAP 9.5 software to ONTAP 9.7 software. After the upgrade, you notice that the upgrade causes issues. You decide to revert to ONTAP 9.5 software.
Which revert step is allowed?
Answer: A
Reverting to a Previous ONTAP Version:
* Reverting ONTAP software requires specific procedures and is only supported if the ONTAP version being reverted to is compatible with the current cluster configuration.
Why the Netboot Procedure Is Used:
* The netboot process loads the desired ONTAP version directly into memory from a network location and reinitializes the system.
* This method is used when a full software revert is required and is often necessary for downgrades to a version that cannot be directly reverted to from the running ONTAP version.
Key Notes:
* A direct revert is not supported from ONTAP 9.7 to ONTAP 9.5 using standard methods due to system metadata changes.
* Always verify compatibility using the "ONTAP Software Version Interoperability Matrix".
NetApp Reference Documentation:
* Refer to the "ONTAP Revert/Downgrade Guide" for specific instructions on using the netboot procedure.
Which two of the following methods are valid ways to access a node which is not booting? (Choose two.)
Answer: A,D
If a node is not booting, the following methods can be used to access the system for troubleshooting:
* What it does:The SP provides out-of-band management access to the node, even if the node is not booting.
* How to use:
* Connect to the SP using SSH or a direct console connection.
* Use SP commands to gather logs or perform diagnostics.
1. Service Processor (SP)
* What it does:The serial console provides direct access to the node's bootloader or maintenance mode.
* How to use:
* Connect to the serial port using a terminal emulator.
* Use console commands to interact with the system.
2. Serial Console
* A. node management port:
* The node management interface is only accessible if the node is booted and ONTAP is running.
* B. cluster management port:
* The cluster management interface requires the cluster to be operational, which is not possible if the node is not booting.
Why Other Options Are Incorrect:
* NetApp "Service Processor and Serial Console Guide" provides instructions for accessing a non- booting node.
Where is a kernel core file stored on a FAS9000 system that is running ONTAP 9.12.1 software?
Answer: C
On a FAS9000 system running ONTAP 9.12.1, the kernel core file is stored on the root aggregate. This is the default location where ONTAP writes kernel core files for system-level failures.
* The root aggregate is the aggregate that contains the root volume for a given node in the cluster. This aggregate is used for critical system files and logs, including kernel core files.
* When a kernel panic or other critical failure occurs, the core dump is written to the root aggregate for later analysis by NetApp Support.
Key Details:
* A. on the partner root aggregate: The partner root aggregate is not used for storing core files unless explicitly configured (which is not the default behavior).
* C. on the mailbox disk: The mailbox disk is used for cluster quorum and configuration information, not for storing core files.
* D. on the boot device: The boot device contains ONTAP software and boot files but does not store kernel core dumps.
* "ONTAP System Administration Guide" specifies that core files are stored on the root aggregate.
* NetApp's "Troubleshooting and Diagnostics Guide" confirms the default behavior for kernel core file storage.
Why Other Options Are Incorrect:References:
In which two sections of AutoSupport can you find information to analyze the following panic? (Choose two.) Panic_Message: PCI Error NMI from device(s):ErrSrcID(CorrSrc(0xf00),UCorrSrc(0x18)), RPT(0,3,0):
Qlogic FC 16G adapter in slot 1 on Controller
Answer: B,C
To analyze the provided panic error, the two sections of AutoSupport that are essential for investigation are:
* What it is:HA-RASTRACE.TGZ contains HA (High Availability) system trace logs. It records hardware diagnostics, error traces, and the HA system's response to hardware events. These logs are critical when analyzing hardware-related panics, including those caused by PCI errors.
* Why it's relevant to the panic:In the given panic message, the NMI (Non-Maskable Interrupt) error originates from a Qlogic FC 16G adapter. HA-RASTRACE.TGZ will provide detailed diagnostics, including the error reporting from the HA interconnect and other hardware diagnostics. Specifically, it may include information about how the system detected the PCI fault and any actions taken to protect the system state.
* How to analyze:
* Extract the HA-RASTRACE.TGZ file from the AutoSupport bundle.
* Review hardware-related trace messages for entries associated with the PCI bus or the Qlogic FC adapter.
* Look for specific error codes or keywords like PCI Error, NMI, or Qlogic.
* References:
* NetApp's "AutoSupport Logs and Diagnostics Guide" highlights HA-RASTRACE.TGZ as a primary resource for debugging hardware faults.
* The "Panic Troubleshooting Guide" for ONTAP systems specifies HA-RASTRACE as a key source for identifying NMI-related errors.
* What it is:SSRAM-LOG records low-level hardware error details, including PCI device register states and uncorrectable memory errors. It is particularly useful for analyzing errors originating in peripheral hardware like network or storage adapters connected via PCI.
* Why it's relevant to the panic:The panic message explicitly references a PCI Error NMI caused by a Qlogic FC adapter. SSRAM-LOG captures detailed state information for PCI devices, which can help identify whether the fault originated in the adapter hardware, the PCI bus, or another related component.
* How to analyze:
* Extract the SSRAM-LOG from the AutoSupport bundle.
* Search for PCI-related errors, including the specific error source IDs (e.g., ErrSrcID(CorrSrc (0xf00),UCorrSrc(0x18))).
* Review the log entries to confirm the root cause of the NMI.
* References:
* The "Hardware Diagnostics and Troubleshooting Guide for ONTAP" lists SSRAM-LOG as a key file for debugging PCI errors.
* NetApp's documentation on PCI diagnostics emphasizes the use of SSRAM-LOG for validating hardware-level faults.
Which three commands can be used to manually generate a kernel core file? (Choose three.)
Answer: A,D,E
To manually generate a kernel core file in ONTAP, the following commands can be used:
* What it does:Reboots the specified node and generates a core dump before rebooting.
* Example Usage:
1. ::> reboot -node <node_name> -dump truereboot -node <node_name> -dump true
* What it does:Halts the specified node and generates a core dump before shutting down.
* Example Usage:
2. ::> halt -dump true -node <node_name>halt -dump true -node <node_name>
* What it does:Forces a panic on the specified node, which triggers a kernel core dump.
* Example Usage:
3. ::> system node panic -node <node_name>system node panic -node <node_name>
* A. SP> system power cycle:
* This command reboots the system from the Service Processor but does not generate a core dump.
* E. SP> system core:
* This command displays core file information but does not generate a new core dump.
Why Other Options Are Incorrect:
* NetApp "Kernel Core Dump Guide" explains the use of reboot, halt, and panic commands to trigger core dumps.
* ONTAP CLI Reference includes the syntax for these commands.
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