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>> C-THR94-2411 Reliable Dumps Questions <<
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For a Time Tracking-enabled customer, what Time Record Filter capability is available for a Cross-Midnight scenario?
Answer: D
If Time Type Derivation is NOT configured for Clock In Clock Out, which Time Type will be used for all External Time Data from Clock In Clock Out?
Answer: A
You have configured Period-End Processing to happen automatically. Your Time Account is valid from January 1 - December 31, 2022, and bookable from January 1, 2022 - March 31, 2023.When is the automatic Period-End Processing calendar executed?
Answer: B
The customer has a scenario where employees' time sheets are typically auto-approved for the week because employees normally work as scheduled. The only exception is when the employees are recording on-call duty past 7:00 p.m., after their scheduled working time, which requires their supervisor's approval. What is the appropriate Time Recording Method and Time Recording Variant combination to be used for this configuration?
Answer: B
What Event type should you use when creating Event reasons for a Leave of Absence? Note: There are 2 correct answers to this question.
Answer: A,C
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